What my clients are saying

Working with Carrie as my developmental editor was great! She really knows what makes a good story and how to take works in progress to the next level. She is organized, a good communicator, and kept the facts of the world I had created consistent, catching so many minor details that I had missed. 

Carrie understood my novel by outlining each key plot point and my characters (their motives, development, and relationships). She had the insight to ask pointed questions and was helpful in coaching me to add more detail. We had great conversations about the theme of my book and how to layer in new information. I especially appreciated her prompt responses, openness to dialogue, and all the little things she did to encourage and support me along the way.

I’m grateful for her assistance and plan to work with Carrie on my upcoming books!

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit and beta read plus for Ogre, line edit and beta read plus for Secret Keepers, comparison of written text to audiobook for Star Fall, and line edit for Ogre 2: Alliance, and Wenapreem. Upcoming engagements include: line edit for The Boy Who Faded.

Shanna Therese, The Remnants Universe


I truly enjoyed working with Carrie. She is thoughtful and thorough in her notes and the in-depth write-up she returned made developmental edits easy. I’m especially grateful for the timeline and outline she provided for my novel, which helped me see exactly how the story unfolded. As a writer, I’m often too close to the manuscript to notice all of the nuances that Carrie’s outline provides, giving me the opportunity to catch any flow issues. She prepares notes listing areas she loved about the book and points out where the novel could use improvements in plot, story structure, and character development. The highly detailed work she provides is what sets her apart from other editors I’ve worked with and is why I will continue to do so for a long time to come.

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit and beta read plus for Back Inn Time: A Gilded Age Getaway, The River Queen, and Moonlight on the Mississippi. Upcoming engagements include: developmental edit and beta read plus for the third book in the River Romances series.

Stephenia H. McGee, Award-Winning and Best-Selling Author



I finally found my forever editor! After dealing with sub-par results for far too long, I went searching for the perfect editor and I actually found her!

Not only did Carrie provide feedback within the manuscript itself, but she also provided a detailed write-up showing what she loved about the book and what needed to be adjusted. I thought I was organized, but Carrie went above and beyond. She listed all the double-checks for timeline, character consistency, and plot (and more)—I missed way more than I had thought! This process helped build trust, something I have learned over time to guard.

Sometimes I find myself too close to the story and characters to see areas which need more description. Carrie asked great questions, to which some of them I didn’t have an answer. She helped me understand why my characters acted as they did and allowed me to expand on their emotional journey. She asked my thoughts about changes she suggested and helped dig deeper into specifics, offering fantastic ideas to enrich the story.

Carrie allowed me to be “me” and helped to develop my writing as my characters deserved. When I had reservations about scenes, she asked why and talked me through the best solution, which some of the time was to leave it as is because it was great how I originally wrote it.

In addition to being supportive, kind, caring, and excited to help, Carrie is very personable. She offered to be available for brainstorming sessions and ultimately understood my goals which assisted in my success. Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to create such a great book. I’m lucky to have found her and plan to partner with her in my future writings.

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit for Whiskey Scars. Upcoming engagements include: developmental edit and line edit for Saving Thomas.

Kristi Copeland, Whiskey Scars


Every author needs a cheerleader who isn’t afraid to speak up when they see something that needs to be changed. As a beta reader, Carrie provided both “live” commentary as she read as well as her overall thoughts on the flow and plot points. She called out cliches, out-of-character actions, and linear issues and offered suggestions to improve. On top of all that, she is a pleasure to work with and made the entire experience a lot of fun! I definitely recommend Carrie’s services and can’t wait to work with her again.

⇒ Engagments include: Beta read plus for Broken Records and Mother Road and developmental edit and line edit for The Unmasking of Kelly James.

Bree Bennett, Sparrow Hill Series


In a word, Carrie’s work as an editor on our cookbook project has been: superlative. Meticulous in her communication style, Carrie clearly laid out her edits and suggestions both in-line as well as with her organized style guide to keep our manuscript consistent. We have worked with a few editors in the past and none can hold a candle to Carrie’s enthusiasm, professionalism, constructive feedback, and kindhearted spirit. She even went above and beyond on our project by making some of our recipes herself just to verify the instructions were clear and accurate! Having a capable and supportive editor makes a huge difference for an author, and we cannot say enough about how wonderful it has been working with Carrie. With her help, we are confident self-publishing this second volume of our cookbook series will easily outshine the first volume that we had published with a big five publisher, and we look forward to working with her again for volume three! Video mention at time stamp 2:42.

Jill and Jeffrey Dalton, Plant Based Cooking Made Easy


Carrie provided an in-depth developmental edit of my first novel, Pudge Amazon and the Ugly Ostrich. As a first-time author, I really need an editor with a sharp eye for where the story is lagging and give insight to areas that can add an immediate boost to the reader experience. Carrie showed me places in my novel that needed propping up. She has been excited about my story, which is important to me. It’s one thing to work with an editor going through the mechanics of editing; better yet, as Carrie has been, to be genuinely engaged in the story and want to see it succeed in readers’ hands.

Carrie has provided invaluable editing guidance through three books in my Pudge Amazon series for middle-grade readers. As she became more familiar with my characters after multiple novels, Carrie helped point out dialogue or choices that certain characters would or would not say given their personalities. This has helped maintain consistency across three books. I have learned much from Carrie in how to develop and structure an engaging story.

⇒ Engagements include: developmental editing, beta reading with children, and line edit for Pudge Amazon and the Ugly Ostrich, Pudge Amazon and the Death Spiral, and Pudge Amazon and the Unfair Science Fair. Upcoming engagements include: developmental edit, beta read plus, and line edit for the upcoming six books in the series.

John Krause (no relation to myself)Pudge Amazon Series


Carrie provided a unique, delightful, and extremely helpful beta reading for my middle-grade novel! One of her comments is among my all-time favorites. I cut 9,000 words because of it! I’m certain it saved the book.
⇒ Engagements include: beta reading plus with my children for Alice Blue and Ellie & Kat, Time-Jinx Twins.
Carol Fisher Saller, Maddie’s Ghost
Contributing editor for The Chicago Manual of Style and author of The Subversive Copy Editor

I have worked with several line editors, but none like Carrie. I gave her my latest book and she polished it like a gem! She created and provided to me a four-page style sheet identifying each grammatical and style item specific to my book. She read my manuscript multiple times, ensuring consistency. She sought to understand my voice as the book is set in Ireland and is written with Irish accents and sayings. Not an easy edit! I am really happy with the result and have already sent her another of my books to polish! Many thanks, Carrie. You did a fantastic job.

⇒ Engagements include: line edits for Passage to Inis Mór, The Boy in the Boat, Waking Walter, and Endor’s Way; developmental edit and line edit for Return to Inis Mór: Redemption. Upcoming engagements include: developmental edit and line edit for Waiting for Walter and Waking Walter.

Brian O’Raleigh


I’m thankful for Carrie’s excellent work on my book. I feel like it really smoothed out plot holes and tightened everything up in a way that completely elevated the book. Having the collaboration piece afterward was even more helpful than I anticipated. She identified where I was overreaching with POV because as a writer I knew all the character motivations but forgot my main character didn’t! It was also reassuring to know that the magical rules and nitty gritty details about time and space were all matching up. I really loved working with Carrie and appreciated her keen eye and enthusiasm for the story!

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit, beta reading plus with elementary children, and line edit + copy edit. Upcoming engagements include the review of final page proofs.

Courtney Katos, Elsie and the Magic Pen

Courtney Katos Books

Carrie has been a game-changer. I engaged her for a beta read plus which turned into a developmental edit. I’d had feedback from editors and professional writers in the past, but not recently. She helped me take my novel to the next level. Carrie provided valuable feedback on plot, characters, story arc, voice, point of view, syntax—everything. She told me when things weren’t working and when they were, helped me tie up loose ends, and made numerous suggestions, but not so many that I felt overwhelmed. She had a vision for where to take the story, and a feel for how readers might react. If I hadn’t found Carrie, I would have sent the novel off as is. And it would have been good, but not good enough. She helped me honor my characters and their story. She is also a delight to work with. Two thumbs up!

⇒ Engagements include: beta read plus, developmental edit, and line edit + copy edit for The Children of the Children. Upcoming engagements include: developmental edit, line edit + copy edit, and review of final page proofs for The Catchings Press.

Robin McMillion, The Children of the Children

I had Carrie Krause beta read and critique my new novel, End Man. She reads passionately and imaginatively. She found errors that had escaped other readers, offered many concrete suggestions regarding character development, and uncovered several plot holes. I highly recommend Carrie Krause’s editing services.

Alex Austin, End Man and Nakamura Reality 2016 Publishers Weekly starred review



From the outset at our initial Zoom meeting, Carrie showed her enthusiasm for my project, a collection of short stories built around recurring characters in foreign locales. She jumped in feet first. She provides excellent feedback with close beta-reading comments that touch on a character’s motivations. Her developmental review takes a step back to view the stories individually and collectively. She points out weaknesses and strengths in a straightforward manner. As the project is ongoing, her suggestions are especially helpful — concise and quite frank. She raises critical questions about plot and character development while listening to my concerns. As a new, unpublished author, I value her editorial assistance. She genuinely wants to work through my uncertainties in shaping the eventual collection into a publishable book. She goes the extra mile to read up on suggested short story authors to better understand what I am trying to achieve. And most critically, she understands “my voice” and tailors her suggestions to preserve my style. Together we will press forward.

⇒ Engagements include: development edit, beta read plus, and line edit for Across the Border and developmental edit and beta read plus for Tarnished Dreams.
Anthony Pond, Across the Border Collection


Carrie is a thoughtful, creative and incredibly professional editor. I engaged Carrie for a beta read plus of my novel and she exceeded my high expectations. She clearly communicated her process, timeline, and the structure/content of the feedback she would deliver. Her comments were direct and constructive, providing insights into reader reaction and identifying plot and character weaknesses. That would have been enough to earn her a favorable review but she went beyond that, suggesting possible approaches for resolving the plot issues, doing a second read and adding commentary and recommendations. After completing her work, she met with me to review my responses to her comments and to discuss my ideas for revising the story. In our conversations, Carrie was positive and personable. I have already engaged Carrie to copyedit and proofread my novel. I am looking forward to working with her again and recommend her highly. She is my preferred perfectionist.

⇒ Engagements include: beta read plus, line edit, and review of the final page proofs for Missing Details

Tori Duza, Missing Details

My first professional writing assignment was in 1994.  For thirty years I have been studying, and practicing, the craft of writing fiction.  I thought I had it figured out. But then I handed my manuscript to Carrie for editing…. and was shown that there are always things to learn in this art form. What impresses me the most about Carrie is how balanced she is with both the artistic and the practical. She understands how to enhance all the literary elements of a novel… and at the same time, she is also good at helping me reorganize the mechanical aspects. After Carrie was finished editing my work, my characters were more developed, the chapters flowed more logically, the settings were enhanced, the storyline was jazzed with a few lovely plot twists, and she pointed out a structural inconsistency I had overlooked. She is brilliant. Plus, she is a genuinely kind person.  Warm, friendly, and a delight to work with.  If you need the best… you found her.
Eric Myers, Chapter One

I would like to highly recommend Carrie as a content editor. She does an outstanding job and has an unusual ability to focus on the specifics and the big picture at the same time. She reviewed previously edited material and found numerous small items other professionals missed. At the same time, she quickly picked up on the strategic intent of my book and politely and with humor nudged me back to my main theme.

She has helped me immensely by tightening my writing. In a few cases she has struck entire paragraphs. When I read the remainder, it was far more concise and readable. 

Carrie created a detailed outline which allowed us to see how the book should be restructured and what could use further development. After reviewing her ideas and suggested rewrites, I see how she has a knack for helping me keep my readers engaged. She was kind, collaborative, and felt like a member of my team. 

Over the years, I have worked with scores of editors. Carrie is by far the best. 

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit for Changing Minds, prepared content for marketing, website review and brainstorm. Ghost writing and developmental edits for blogs. Upcoming engagements include: line edit for Changing Minds and blogs.

Mike Mears, retired as CIA’s Chief of HR. Leadership Speaker and Consultant 


Carrie Krause is more than just an editor—she is a source of motivation and direction for writing. Her gentle guidance and unwavering consistency have been invaluable to me on my journey. Collaborating with her is a pleasure; she has a friendly and welcoming personality. Her leadership will motivate you to tap into your creativity and write endlessly. She is well versed in what captivates the average reader and will guide you toward achieving publication and gaining recognition. I want to express my deepest gratitude to Carrie for her exceptional work and for being an incredible individual.  

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit for Astarr Rising and One More Encore, and developmental edit and line edit for Have a Seat (short story). Upcoming engagements include: line edit for Astarr Rising and One More Encore, and developmental edit and line edit for Haunting Melodies, and short story contest submissions.

C.J. Lessman, One More Encore trilogy

As a debut author, I appreciate the expertise of talented “helpers” along the way, preferably ones with whom I can build a lasting writer-editor relationship. Carrie is just such an editor. I’ll be incorporating many of her suggestions from both the developmental edit and beta read plus. Her thoughtful, detailed and prompt notes were full of insight and sensitivity.  But what I appreciate most is the encouragement, advice, and continued “help” from questions that pop up along the way.  I can’t thank her enough.

⇒ Engagements include: developmental edit and line edit for Rosé Sunsets.

Rachel Pommier, Rosé Sunsets

Carrie was a fantastic beta reader. She kept me informed of her progress and completed the project ahead of schedule. I found her comments constructive and helpful in refining plot, character development, and pace. She also pointed out things she thought were strong in my story, which is always what the anxious writer is looking for! She caught a few factual errors and helped me make the story crisper. I would 100% work with her again!

Kate Zarczynski, Hello, Goodbye

I am very glad I found Carrie as a beta reader. Not only does she have a quick turnaround, but she also gives thoughtful feedback. From the questions she asks, I know she has read my manuscript carefully. She offers suggestions in a respectful manner. I like how she comments on her thoughts along the way, as it gives me an indication if I am along the right track on where I am leading my readers. She is open in her communication and has been very professional throughout.

Justine Laismith, When the Dragon Swallowed the Sun

Mommy is a good editor because she helps me fix my words and decide what to say. His poem: “I like to show you my books, and you don’t give me dirty looks!”

T. Krause, age 7, Why the Gecko Has Sticky Feet 

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